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Bypassing Terraform error: “The true and false result expressions must have consistent types”

· 2 min read
Manu Magalhães
DevSecOps Engineer

Have you ever came across this Terraform error — when you intentionally want your ternary to output different types?

The true and false result expressions must have consistent types

To bypass this Terraform limitation, check the tip below. I'll follow it with two examples to clarify the usage:

attribute = [
<desired output if true>,
<desired output if false>
][<condition> ? 0 : 1]

Simple example

locals {
dynamic_value = [
{"region": "${var.region}"},
][var.region == "eu-west-1" ? 0 : 1 ]

Here, local.dynamic_value will return an object if the AWS region is Ireland, or the string "unavailable" for any other region.

Wait, what's just happened?

Instead of using the ternary in the traditional way, we defined a tuple (aka, a list with mixed types), and used the ternary to return the index for the output we really want. Thanks mariux for the trick.

Less simple example

You can also inject dynamic outputs if needs be. I'm not saying this is Terraform best practice, or that it will be pretty. But sometimes a woman has to do what she has to do.

In my case, I was trying to abstract a Step Function Choice. The ternary logic I needed was: if the object contains only one key, return a certain JSON structure. If the object contains multiple keys, return a different JSON structure. And this is how my condition panned out:

# There is a reason why this variable is a list
# but that is beside the point now

variable "ssm_params" {
description = "Parameter required by SSM Documents to enable KMS key rotation"
default = [{"KeyId": "States.Array($.KeyId)",
"AutomationAssumeRole": "States.Array($.AutomationAssumeRole)"}]

locals {
choices = [for item in var.ssm_params: [
# desired output if true
for key, value in item: {
"IsPresent": true,
"Next": "SSM-${key}",
"Variable": "$.${key}"
# desired output if false
# Case: Choice step has multiple conditions (AND)
{ "And" : [
for key, value in item:
"IsPresent": true,
"Variable": "$.${key}"
"Next": "SSM-${join("", sort([keys(item)]...))}"
# condition
length(flatten([keys(item)])) == 1 ? 0 : 1

Don't ask me how my laptop haven’t gone through the window. But there you have it — enjoy your newfound freedom :P